Managing the Projects

Steps to Manage a Project

How Can I Organize the Project as a Manager/Project Manager?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Project Structure & Advantages

What is Project Structure in Brainstork, What are its advantages?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Creating and Editing a New Project

I am a Project Manager, How Can I Create and Edit a New Project?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago
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Managing the Users

Role System

What is the Role System? What are the different roles available on Brainstork?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

New User in the Company&Project

I am a Project Manager/Manager, How Can I Add a New User to the Company/Project or Assign an Existing User to the Project?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Changing Users Role

I am a Project Manager, How Can I Change Registered Users' Roles in a Project?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago
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Managing the Sessions

Creating a New Session

I am a Project Manager/Manager and I want to create a session. How can I create a new session?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Editing the Session

I am a Project Manager/Manager, How Can I Edit the Sessions I Created Before?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Inviting Participants to Session

I am a Project Manager/Manager, How Can I Invite Participants to the Session?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago
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Managing the Media Library

What is Media Library and Why is it Useful?

Why should I use Brainstork’s Media Library? What does the Brainstork Media Library do?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Uploading and Managing Materials in Brainstork's Media Library

I want to share stimuli during the session. What is the process for uploading files to the Media Library? How can I preview and delete my stimuli in the Media Library?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

How to Convert PowerPoint Presentations into a PDF Document

How Can I Convert PowerPoint Presentations into a PDF formatted document to upload to the Brainstork Media Library?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Managing the Exercises

Creating Exercises Before the Session

How Can I Create Exercises for the Session Before the Session Starts as a Manager/Project Manager?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Using Pre-Created Exercise Questions During the Session

How Can I Get Pre-Created Feedback During a Session?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

Review of Exercise Answers During the Session

How Can I Show the Answers to Exercises in a Session?

Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago
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