How Can I Access the Session Report?

I am a Moderator/Co-Moderator, How Can I Access Session Reports/Review Session Outputs?
Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

To access Session reports, you need a Manager, Project Manager, Moderator, or Co-Moderator account in Brainstork. The report page appears differently to Moderators, Co-Moderators, Managers, and Project Managers. Managers/Project Managers can refer to this page to understand their specific access permissions and capabilities.

The report page gives an extensive overview of the session, including audio, and visual recordings, chat logs, exercises, breakout room recordings, and a transcript by AI Transcript and saved moments.

Session reports are accessible only after the Session has finished. To check how to finish a session click here.

You can navigate to the relevant section of the article by clicking on the corresponding option
1. Moderator's Point of View on the Report Page
2. Co-Moderator's Point of View on the Report Page
3. Report Page Features

Moderator's Point of View on the Report Page:

1. On the session list click on the "Report" button next to the desired session.

2. Here you can see the recordings of your session and features for making the most of your records.

3. To archive the session recording, simply click on the "Archive" button.
4. Click on the "OK" button on the confirmation box.

Co-Moderator's Point of View on the Report Page:

1. Click on the desired session under "Past Shared Sessions".

2. Here you can see the recordings of your session and features for making the most of your records.

Report Page Features:

Clicking on a word or a moment within the desired message or transcript on the report page allows you to navigate to the corresponding section of the recording.

1. The report page allows moderators to review the complete history of all chat channels, including the Frontroom Chat, Backroom Chat, and Moderator Chat.

Co-moderators only have access to the backroom chat history.

2. On the report page, you can access the notes and video recordings from the breakout rooms.
3. The report page provides the ability to review the exercises and responses. Additionally, moderators can download feedback answers by clicking the download button.

4. The transcript of the session can be reviewed on the report page. Discover the details of our AI-Transcript feature here!

5. The report page allows moderators to create video and audio snippets from the session. Discover more about video and audio snippets here!

Co-moderators are not able to create or view video and audio snippets.

6. Furthermore, moderators have the ability to access the Miro board they've created and shared for their sessions from the report page.

7. You can save your recording to your device.

Click here to check how you can download the session recording!

8. Lastly, moderators can review the sections on the report page where significant moments from the session are documented under the "Moments" tab.

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