How Can I Finish a Session?

I am a Moderator/Co-Moderator, How Can I End a Session?
Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

To finish a Session, you must first join the session as a Moderator or Co-Moderator. Being present in the session is required to end it.

To Finish the Session:

1. Click on the "Leave" button shown as a red arrow in the bottom right.
2. Select "Finish Session for Everybody".

If a session is not finished, it will end automatically 8 hours after its scheduled start time.

To Leave the Session Temporarily:

1. Click on the "Leave" button shown as a red arrow in the bottom right.
2. Select "Go Back to the Project Page".

Selecting the "Go back to the Project page" option will allow the session and its recording to continue running. You can rejoin within 8 hours from the start time because if no one ends the session, it will automatically end after 8 hours.
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