How Can I Create Breakout Rooms?

What is a Breakout Room? As a Moderator, how can I use Breakout Rooms to make subgroups in my session?
Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

"Breakout rooms" is a feature in Brainstork that allows you to divide a session into smaller groups for collaboration and discussion. These rooms are separate from the main session in terms of sound and vision and are recorded separately for reference later.

Each breakout room recording is saved separately and can be found on the session report page. To access the recordings, simply follow this link for step-by-step instructions.

1. Click the "Breakout Rooms" button.

2. Customize Breakout Room Settings

As a moderator, you can adjust the number and duration of breakout rooms to suit your needs.

The minimum number of breakout rooms you can create is 2, and each room's duration can be set to a minimum of 2 minutes.

3- Assign participants to breakout rooms.

You can easily move participants, moderators, and co-moderators to different breakout rooms by dragging and dropping their names. If you prefer to keep certain participants in the main room, you can leave them on the left side.

Observers and translators cannot be assigned to a breakout room.

Once the breakout room time you set has expired, all participants will automatically return to the main room.

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