How Can I Share a Youtube Video?

I am a Moderator/Co-Moderator, How Can I Share a Youtube Video During the Session?
Written by Ayca
Updated 1 year ago

You can share a Youtube video during your session as a moderator/co-moderator easily.

Please note that the video you are attempting to share must be authorized and appropriate for sharing. If the video link is not allowed to be shared, this will be indicated during the preview stage.

To share a YouTube video during the session, follow these steps:

1. Click the "Share" button.
2. Select "Youtube" from the options.

3. Copy and paste the YouTube video link into the provided box.
4. Click the "Preview" button to ensure your video is displayed correctly.

5. Click "Share".

6. You have successfully shared the video. Please note that each person will need to click the play button individually to view it.

It is advisable for each participant and user to mute their own microphone to avoid audio feedback, as the simultaneous video playback from multiple participants may result in an echo effect.

7. Additionally, you can send exercises to gather feedback while the video is playing by clicking on the "Exercises" button.

Click here to learn more about exercises in Brainstork!

Participant's View:

8. Once an exercise is sent by the moderator or co-moderator, participants will see it on their screens while the video is playing.

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